If you are so constituted that you hope to find new drawings on this "blog" at semi-regular intervals I have mixed news; for the forseeable future your Uncle Jim is working on a 96-page Frank story to be released toward the end of the year. I'll regularly post snippets of this sprawling epic, such as this one, and also such peripheral effort-children as may be born of excess chitta.
Accursed Frogs! What loathesome beasts. How they vex Frank.
Good news! I'm glad you haven't quit comics like that layabout Dave Cooper.. Frank needs to live.
That's WONDERFUL news.
I like the one-off art. I bought one. But I really love the FRANK stories. And I'll buy the fanciest version . . . maybe even the one you hand deliver after a trip on the Greyhound.
96-page Frank story
geez, that's awesome news!
Really good news Jim ;)
I´m looking forward to it.. I had hoped that FRANK would return!
Here's something different, i know how much you like frogs:
Regards from sweden
D. Blücher
It's very hard for me, this picture...cause my nickname since kid is Frog, lol!
I'd have given all the rocks in the hills to have had the nickname Frog when I was a kid.
Sounds great!
New FRANK story - great news indeed! Am now counting the days...
Awesome, cant wait. Seems ages since the lute string (one of the best frank stories ever)
Why not 98 pages? Sheesh.
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