Tom Dougherty, sly and quick-witted as ever, graced our house with his presence the other night; and when he departed left behind this sketch which for obvious reasons I feel compelled to share with the world.
News and views from the Dutch Uncle of dreamland.
I was trying to send you this message through the emails on your site, but none of them were delivered, so I'm just going to post it here. sorry if this is an inappropriate place to post this.
I'd like to start with a standard statement: I'm a huge fan, and wouldn't feel right without saying so. I found the Book of Frank about three years ago, right when i started working on my own comic series, and it was a huge inspiration to me. Then, more recently when i started on some quasi-autobiographical work, mixing the nonsense in my head with the nonsense around me, i discovered Jim, and rediscovered you're work right when i needed to.
So, anyways, i had a question. A friend of mine said you used to design Jiva's (the floaty soul things) for people who asked you to. I guessed this was probably in the earlier days when you were less busy. But, if you're still willing, I've always dreamed of getting one of them tattooed, and one costumed to me would be awesome. I could pay if you wanted or whatever (wow, i feel oddly cheap writing that, even though it might be an issue).
Well, if you even get a chance to read this letter I'll be happy. I hope I'm not annoying you by asking too much. if you feel like replying send it to fengus@live.com
Jared Witkofsky
The Dark Walrus.
awesome sketch!
Great sense of humor. Reminds me of some of the Boot Hill headstones.
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