It's been a slow boat coming, but the Fantagraphics edition of Weathercraft has finally landed on our shores; and if I do say so myself, it's a beautiful thing. 104 tinted pages bound in illustrated green library cloth with a spot-varnished dust jacket just slathered with crucial information about this dense, rich fable of torture, exaltation and amnesia. The plot is so convoluted that I wont even attempt to summarize it here; suffice to say it's rich, my friends... rich.
You can get Weathercraft at any high-tone comic or book store, or you can order it directly from me, in which case you have the option of getting it signed, with a drawing. Frankly (!) I think they printed too few of 'em, so act quick!
Looks amazing! Can't wait to have one. Great to meet you at TCAF, thanks for signing my book.
"frankly, I think they printed too few"
I think he's right.
Southwesterly veering northwesterly 5 or 6, but 4 for a time in east.
What I've been waiting for. Ordered a copy from you - signed with a drawing!
Jim, I'm sure I've seen the answer to this question before but I've forgotten. What kind (brand) of ink do you use?
Weathercraft was drawn in acrylic ink, which I hadn't used before and had to get used to the thick gooiness and weird surface tension. I abandoned it after it was dicovered that even after lying around for months the ink was sticky enough that the stacked pages stuck together.
The new book is being done in Dr. Martin's Bombay India ink, which is warranted waterproof (it is) and lightfast (we'll see). It's dense black, thin as water, and dries fast to a steely hardness that requires cleaning the nibs with ammonia several times a day.
Thanks for the detailed response. I don't work in ink a lot. I have never used the acrylic ink. I have tried various inks from sanford and pelikan and noodler's. I had hoped the noodler's would be nice but it's not black enough - but works well in my sailor profit brush pen. I'm a lefty and haven't had the best luck with nibs (drawing or writing). I will try the dr. martin's with a brush as I like a thin ink and it sounds like it will be denser than the noodler's.
It's a beautiful book, mine came from Modern Myths in Northampton, MA two days ago. I love the paper and the color (my wife says parchment) is great with the ink, very creamy.
Wonderful book, Jim, I'll be reading it often while trying not to think about it, which is my common practice with your atuff.
Congrats, Jim! I look forward to picking up a copy. I hope the Fantagraphics edition smells as wonderful as the Norwegian one does...
Congrats, Jim! I look forward to picking up a copy. I hope the Fantagraphics edition smells as wonderful as the Norwegian one does...
8:44 PM
Mr. Woodring,
Its a champ. A real champ. Good ol' Manhog has come full circle ... maybe.
Keep up the good work. The images of the next book that FANTAGRAPHICS posted on their blog look like real winners too.
-thumbs up-
Just received my copy from Fantagraphics; devoured it greedily, not unlike Manhog. I'm amazed by the fact that your illustrating just keeps getting better and better. Fantastic work. I thank you, and humbly ask for more.
Jim, you have outdone yourself with this one! I got my copy in the mail yesterday with your nice Manhog illustration in the front, and spent a long time taking in this fantastic story. I love this book, I think its my new favorite. The richness of the content, the magic you weave within these pages is astounding. YOU are the real Weathercrafter Mr. Woodring, and the way you use black ink on paper to transport us all into a dazzling and spiritually rewarding shamanic journey will never cease to amaze and inspire me. I can never get enough of your work, more please!
I picked up Weathercraft and The Portable Frank after enjoying the Free Comic Book Day Weathercraft story. Love them both. Your ink work is incredible and subtle and the characters are much more than I expected them to be. I'll pick up your next book for sure.
Congrats, Jim! I look forward to picking up a copy. I hope the Fantagraphics edition smells as wonderful as the Norwegian one does...
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