Now children, be very still and very good; because when He decides to reveal Himself to us, the slightest whisper of attachment or excitement will frighten Him away. So be very unnatural, children, and welcome Him into your silent, still hearts.
I wonder if you were writing of the antichrist there. I rather think I might be Him.
You've been watching America's Next Top Model again, I can tell.
I'm not sure if you remind me of Steven King or Shel Silverstein... Intriging... I'll read more.
That is one unhappy foot stool.
I went through all your postings, and you have some amazing shit! When you die, you need to pass these around heaven, so that those there don't get bored from eating pomegranites.
I find this deeply disturbing.
No wonder I liked it I am a Libra in the year of the Dragon.
oh the hazards of being a child
These are great : )
Very interesting picture...
I share Pushpaw's concern.
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Your pictures getting better and
better every nex day. Real talent:)
That is SO creepy! But the one that bothers me a lot.... is.... Who the hell is holding THE KITTEN?!
Me encanta la textura que tiene y los colores que le das, tambien me parece una escena muy divertida, (y que mejor dicho que, escena) Pues es a, escena, donde tiene miedo a salir. Bueno, asi lo interpreto yo, claro... pues no entiendo las palabras de abajo...
I see that have an interest in monsters. Do you draw them? Check my website out..there is a series on a monster I created:
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rapidly growing blog.
Scary stuff... I'll have nightmares tonight.
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Wonderful frightening chicken-kitten thing, made even scarier by the hands under it's winglets, because someone is back there presenting this pitiful creature to the good paying customers on some freakish sideshow. Naw, it's a classy joint, a fine theater by the look of the drapes, but they still can't shake the stink of sawdust and cigars and sour sweat. Pushpaw looks puzzled. Step right up! For one thin dime, one tenth of a dollar, watch this unfortunate creature tear dreams from its skull and spill them all over the canvas! Are you brave enough?
garbage face said...
its only creepy, because there's one in all of us.
ah well, ill embrace the little fellah.
Your post weights heavily of post-Freudian penis hunger Ms. Face
Jim's Hopeless Fanboy
At last! A cat picture!
Damn, I envy your talent--and adore your warped vision!
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Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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