"A fat man-monster...head-hole... as fast as you can." Thanks for the book, Mr. Merchant. You gave it to me, didn't you? Gave it to me with a broad smile. "Jimmy", you said when I came in. One more peculiar thing to live with, notwithunderstanding. Why do they love me so? Everyone else has to buy these horrible books; only I get them for free, out of love. It's embarrassing, but I keep cold, not reacting, not acknowledging. And yes, of course I do pay, I do owe. Well, that's better, it makes sense. "The advent of the Manfrog! His hideous passion, his dreadful revenge!" Wonderful! Is this the correct price? It seems a little high.
Hello!! nice work!!!!
I like the colour so much, the frog...
sorry my english...
Quiero decir que me gusta un monton los colores que empleas en los dibujos de mas abajo...
Wow! Your art is amazing - very compelling, yet slightly upsetting. Thanks a million!
I am an illustrator and sculptor myself,yet I have never been able to produce the kind of volume that you do.....you must be possesed!and such consistent quality.....
What have I stumbled upon?
The corners of my mouth ache from smiling.
I have fallen down the rabbit hole, I have passed through the looking glass.
I have found a new hero.
damn, sir. I mean, damn !
You're the right guy we've been looking for for a new sign for The Condemned Man pub!
Wow! Great stuff. Your work reminds me of R.Crumb. (All hail Crumb!)
I like your color work very much. I have to agree with eric that your art is compelling and makes you take another look. You also have a Gahan Wilson thing going on:
Well . . . that was . . . . . . interesting.. . . .
Congratulations on landing Blogger's spotlight feature on their front page!
Thanks for your blog! I've been a fan for a long time . . .
I really like it! Sometimes they feature a truly worthy blog on the "blog of note" and this is one of those times!
Wow. I just want to say how great it is to see you blogging here. I'm a fan. Thanks for sharing your talent and adding some disturbing elements to parts of my dreamscape. I've linked you to my blog, so all sorts of rif-raf will trod through here now! But they're the "right" kind of rif-raf.
congrats on being blog of note :) your work kicks butt- frighteningly appealing, hauntingly humourous.
You have a new fan. Nice Work!
im new to this site, found out about it through theaestheticpoetic.com, you were posted on that site so i decided to check you out, all i gotta say is that you are an amazing artist
Very cool
I love this drawing. The expression on the character about to whip the crap out of that frog is great. Reminds me of Ren and Stimpy when Ren snaps and goes crazy with weird music playing to a close up of his bulging eyeballs.
Wow, what a deluge of comments! Well, you deserve all the praise and plenty more. Now, in the spirit of my previous contributions here I have another technical question. I was asking about your color media before, but in truth it's always been the black and white stuff that's my favorite, and the ink even more than the charcoal (it's just the kinda guy I am - not meant as a reflection on the quality of your images in paint and charcoal.)
In any case, I should like to ask a little about the tools you use for your inkworks. I suppose it's all done on bristol board. Do you use inda or sumi? Nib-and-staff or brush? I know from viewing your eponymous website that these guys tend to be on the little side (I don't believe I've ever seen dimensions taller or wider than a foot and a half on the inky stuff.) Do you underdraw with a hard or blue pencil or do you go right to ink from a prior sketch? If you underdraw, how much detail exists prior to going to ink, if 1 is just rough compositional outlines and 10 is completely finished.
Thanks in advance for sharing your secrets with a humble aspirant.
Your work has an authentic medieval feel to it. I'm very impressed. I worry about your mind, tho'. Do your neighbors know you are so twisted? LOL
I have never felt so humbled as when seeing your work, jim.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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