Answer: Bupkis! Unless you are a prudent individual who understands the talismanic power of original art and has the savvy to snap up some of mine while it is still dirt cheap. To that end I direct you to http://useum.blogspot.com/ where you will find an ever-changing offering of drawings, paintings, prints and artifacts from yours truly.
And also, fluorescent tubes, right over your work table, unshaded?
Does not the feverish buzzing make your outer brain sing? Does the flatness of the light banish extraneous detail and allow your odd clarities to warble? I am just surprised, I figgered full-spectrum or halogen to achieve your color-sense.. . ..
How much for the table?
Long live JW
Letters E-T-E-R-N-I-T-Y crossed the sky when they heard you talking this way.
Letters F-O-R-E-V-E-R are waiting.
That's it!!
you'll be forever
the best things
i ever know!
from this tiny giant eternity!
Wow. I'd love some of that fancy artwork, but your "dirt cheap" is my "rent money."
Enough bitching about Jim's artwork not being shit cheap. It's original artwork! Get a better job and lay off the pipe and you'll be able to afford orginal artwork, Zippo.
Kids: Be cool. Stay in school.
What do you listen to on those big old speakers situated either side of your noggin, Jim?
I think I read in People magazoon that Jim listens to The Spice Girls, Britney Spears and such. Is that still the case, J.W.?
Hi Jim!!!!
This is Carlos from Chile. I like your draws and cartoons very much. I'm a cartoonist too. I have a blog
I always enjoy seeing the working space of other artists, particularly those I'm a great fan of.
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