A QUICK FUSE- Group discussion #3

PROF. FOXGLOVE: Well! Progress has been made.
SUSAN: Yuck.
JIM: This part is still being worked on... the little guy will have more grit.
KEVIN: It's so awkward.
SHARON: And what about value and composition? How can you get your values right without having other values to work them off of?
JIM: Uh, I can go in later and adjust the values to make 'em work.
PROF. FOXGLOVE: I suppose that's one advantage of a tightass style.
JIM: Tightass indeed!
PROF. FOXGLOVE: Pardon me?
JIM: I don't like sloppy art.
CHUCK: Sloppiness is freedom. You're a tyrant!
PROF FOXGLOVE: Hmm... interesting.
Looks like he's dreaming of gumdrops.
I think he looks comfy.
I'd never get anything done if I critiqued myself so much along the way. Of course, I do it all the time. It's one reason I draw messily and haphazardly, rather than tight and controlled. Trying to short-circuit the critics before they have a chance to get a word in.
So what we got here is an underdrawing with a soft pencil (maybe a 4b?) and then Char-Koal for finishes?
Just nosey. Looks great!
Picture to quell nighttime panic-attacks about death. Or generate them.
there were a lot of people present for that conversation.
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