Coming soon: that "scope" by which everything for which we hunt is seen with the utmost clarity, dispelling our misconceptions, cherished delusions and sense of individuality in one blinding stroke. Will all be revealed? Never! But at least that terrible itch in the bones will finally be scratched... scratched until the bones themselves are destroyed and nothing remains but the distorted memories of our surviving friends.
ya know, I wondered what would become of the pupa and cadaver...
This will be wonderous!
A perfectly trondant image coming together.
positively speechless. except for the part where i said, "eel eep!"
That reminds me, did Mary ever find her keys?
Press a dilated pupil against the knot-hole for a glimpse of another universe through the hole in the fence. Wondrous monsters never dreamt of in your philosophy! One thin dime, one tenth of a dollar!
Can't wait to enjoy the entire piece!
You've got some amazing images on this blog. Very cool.
Great picture, fantastic, surrealistic prose.
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