This breathtaking picture was painted to be part of a film montage of scary images used to advertise horror-movie specactulars in movie theaters in the early 1960s. I saw it many times, but never this clearly; there was animated white lettering that obscured it, lettering that said WE DARE YOU TO SEE... before it shimmered and faded away, taking the image with it. What this picture doesn't say about life doesn't need to be said. Thanks to Tom Dougherty for uncovering it.
The anonymous artist was a master at depicting damp. Observe the trembling light reflexes on the moist frog. He or she must have been under enormous pressure to put a top hat on it, but thankfully resisted.
oh fuck, i love your work
i'd like to have pushpaw & pupshaw merchandising, but there's nothing here in argentina =/
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Forgs have been considered healers of the world in many ancient tradtions, also the jewl in a frogs head was/is highly prized and said to contain magical properties. As well there is some connection that the ancient greeks made between lovers and frogs, as an aid to their good fortune, or something like that.
Beware, the Vampire Frog!
Thanks for sharing, this pic is beautiful.
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