If further proof were needed that Seattle is your kind of town, this menu from The Funhole (!) would be the icing on the trout. Signature Dog #2, inaugurated without my knowledge but with my full post-event approval is made with top-quality local materials and is stunningly delicious.
The Funhole is located at 3518 Fremont Pl, in the shadow of Stalin, next door to Deluxe Junk in Fremont.
(206) 547-4653
What, no peanut butter?
it sounds weird.
But next time I'm in Fremont, I'll try one.
Locally grown pineapple ? Reality is stranger than fiction...
You have me there. The pineapple is canned.
You have truly arrived when a fine dining establishment such as Funhole names a dish after you.
What is a pin-apple? It sounds dangerous to the mouth!
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