is the title the Danes have given to my new book WEATHERCRAFT. It means "alchemists" which means the Danes will be getting a slightly skewed idea of the story. Like I care! Here is a link to a translated review. No one to say wow.
News and views from the Dutch Uncle of dreamland.
I'd buy it! Hey, aren't those the same creature that frank took the shapeshifting jar from? BTW, is the next book gonna be about Frank's adventures to space? We can only imagine what aliens in the Frank Universe look like when the terrestrial creatures are already pretty alien.
Woooow !!
The cruel Amazon announces Weathercraft for april 2010... Jim, please tell me we won't spend Christmas without this new Frank story-to-read-next-to-the-fireplace...
Overseas editions of WEATHERCRAFT will be available before the US version. You could probably score one of those. I have some copies of ALKYMISTERNE; if you are interested in procuring one drop me a line (jimwoodring {at} we'll see what we can work out.
I say wow.
"it is (of course, one is tempted to say) Monkey Painter behind."
I am very, very tempted to say "Monkey Painter behind"
Haha :)
The publisher is called Aben Maler, which means "The Monkey Paints". But now I'm also tempted to go around saying "monkey painter behind" all day.
Lost in Translation :-)
Scroll down the page and here's a Dutch reaction:
Thanks for posting that, Michael. I can't tell if they like it or not.
Hmm, is Alkymisterne going to have a US release or be sold from the Woodring store eventually?
Oh wait, I see the missing link here... Alkymisterne IS Weathercraft.
Delete my comments if needed.
That's a fine looking cover.
And the sad thing is, "Værverk" is Danish as much as it is Norwegian ...
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