Now children, you must learn that the limits of your ignorance are not the limits of the world, and now you shall see how many awful secrets we have been hiding from you. And you will soon see everything you need to know in order to appreciate the truly appalling situation life has placed us in. All of us! Oh children, what's the use of this struggle? What is the use? It's a trap, children, it's a funny vicious trap.
"The Baby in the Navy"...That title makes me want to cry...
the scenery isn't real, and Frank seems to be betrayed, possibly drugged...
it reminds me of The Prisoner...
Will this be part of a story?
Someday I hope to see the conclusion of a Frank story that was started in the comic . . . part 1 ended with Whim cradling a baby Frank in his hand.
Wow it is great, and I love the title and the poem along with it.
Well, we've moved left some from yesterday, and if the tile on the floor is any indication, there is still farther left to go.
I fear that what we are seeing is a hostage exchange.
Who ARE you and what have you done with my sanity?
I'm hooked.
It's almost 1:00 a.m., and I can't sleep. So I thought I would surf the blogs for awhile. Wow! Amazing images. It may take me awhile to make sense. Or perhaps it's just over my head.
Are you a cousin to Dali?
this is spellbinding. good work!
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poetic, clever, beautiful, weerd, funny, excellent, astonishing, confusing.... maybe you should stop drawing, isn't it too much??
Hello, Jim.
I've been a fan of your work for years since I friend at university said "you should read THIS" and handed me a Frank. Your blog is fantastic, glad to see you're getting a lot of attention and praise from people previously unfamiliar with your work. Keep up the good work - Nick
Here Here!
I wish I had a childrens book like this when I was but a lad, perhaps I would'nt have grown up so terribly disillusioned
I'm StingIndigo, a mexican blogger user who came here by accident, pushing the "next blog" button on the upper right corner [sorry my english still fails].
I read "The Baby in the Navy"... it's nice, i liked it... but i liked the pictures the most. Do you draw them or do you get them from a website or something?
Nice work; Greetings From México.
Hello Monsegnior Woodring. You are a genius and a poet extaordinaire. Pupshaw and pushpaw are the two cutest l'il things I ever did see, and Frankie boy should have had my russian ballet teacher in his life. She thought my cheeks were ripe for pinching- what she would have given to have Franks cheeks available for prehensile manipulation can only be surmised...Your colors and patterns make a hit of salvia divinorum pale. I remain a huge fan.
Great stuff Jim - I saw the Frank book in a comic shop and was so intrigued I had to overcome my normal miserliness and buy it. Wonderful, and apart form anything a great demonstration of how to tell stories without dialogue.
frank breaks down after hearing this one too many times:
In the navy
Come on and join your fellow man ...
so beautiful
I imagine that you've probably seen the comics from the early part of the 20th century. This is very reminiscent in style to one of those.
Oh Gawd! My son just said almost the same thing, he is dreading turning 11 next week since he realized this!
I dig your art, coolness on a popsicle stick.
Tell it like it is!
In the pubs of England there were men who were paid by the Crown to pull men bodily into military service. They would flip a Crown coin into the mug of a likely souse. The victim would drain the tankard, and the coin would slide down and touch the man's lip. This was considered to be kissing the monarch's image, and was legally binding. Instant conscription. This led to lids on tankards and glass-bottomed mugs with candles on the tables, so that the intended victim could see the coin in the mug. Noticing the coin in the mug led to such bullyish expostulations as "Barkeep! Thish ale's a wee bit RICH fer my blood!" and a subsequent pouring of the tainted ale into some filthy place such as a dungheap or a spitoon, to the consternation of the would-be conscriptors. If I had been raised in such a nursery, I would be a better man today. Bravotastrophe!
Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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