As far as I know there are only 20 copies of the Norwegian edition of WEATHERCRAFT in North America; so I'm scalping them for $50 postpaid in the US, signed and with a drawing of Manhog. Darwin was right! With its full cover cover, blurbs from Jason and Oystein Runde and a fine, printerly rendition of the story itself, VÆRVERK er kattens pyjamas.
can i pay for it online with a credit card? if so i want one asap!
We intend to make it available in the store, but until then (and God only knows when it will be) you may pay via Paypal or check. Details:
Your gonna put me in the poor house Jim... Is the story itself in color as well..? Will the US version be in color..?
No. No color.
B&W is beautiful... :)
i got my copy a few days ago - the book is fantastic, and the drawing is superb as well. thanks, jim!
Jim, the book is amazing! My GF got it for me for speechless.
cor blimey guvna! i need to get my hands on that beauty ... will follow the clues ...
btw - i drew all over my oneiric diary. a wonderful fusion of your shadows and my own brand of derangement ensued. most pleasing :-)
thanks for all the inspiration and intriguing wonderworlds [from New Zealand]
p.s. any more movement on your idea of animating Frank for film?
You have really great taste on catch article titles, even when you are not interested in this topic you push to read it
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
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