Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010

What's that? The Scott Eder Gallery is showing art from WEATHERCRAFT (which the accompanying drawing has nothing to do with) next month.

Your Uncle Jim has a strange, dark secret, which is that Canadian filmmaker Jonathan Howells made a documentary about him a few years back. It will be screening in Seattle as part of STIFF ( Seattle's True Independent Film Festival) June 4 - 7. You can read all about it here. The site says it won a Stiffy. Whoa now. Jonathan will be on hand to explain where the title comes from. I will be out of town.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The storyline of Weathercraft is easy to follow, but the wealth of submerged, occluded, obscure and personal information that runs through it can only be effectively comprehended when pointed out and explained by the progenitor. That's why I 'm pleased as punch to be doing exactly that at the Fantagraphics Books store in Georgetown this Saturday (May 22). The entire story will be projected on a screen and the sub-details revealed. Plus the books will be for sale and I will be signing 'em. And afterwards... who knows?
Thursday, May 13, 2010

It's been a slow boat coming, but the Fantagraphics edition of Weathercraft has finally landed on our shores; and if I do say so myself, it's a beautiful thing. 104 tinted pages bound in illustrated green library cloth with a spot-varnished dust jacket just slathered with crucial information about this dense, rich fable of torture, exaltation and amnesia. The plot is so convoluted that I wont even attempt to summarize it here; suffice to say it's rich, my friends... rich.
You can get Weathercraft at any high-tone comic or book store, or you can order it directly from me, in which case you have the option of getting it signed, with a drawing. Frankly (!) I think they printed too few of 'em, so act quick!
Thursday, May 06, 2010