Jordan Shrively has a blog that shows the world where cartoonists Including your Uncle Jim) do their stuff... and an intriguing tour of workspaces it is, if you are interested in that sort of thing.
Like he said... thanks for the opportunity to see Where It All Happens. I got a chuckle from the frog on the speaker, which prompts me to ask what music you listen to while working. I'd like to try it myself and see what happens. :-)
I was born in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains in Southern California and enjoyed an exciting childhood full of poetry and paroniria among the snakes, rats and tarantulas of that enchanted realm. I eventually grew into an inquisitive bearlike man who has had three exciting careers; garbage collector, merry-go-round-operator and cartoonist. Some of my work is collected in THE BOOK OF JIM, THE FRANK BOOK and SEEING THINGS (all published by Fantagraphics) and in various toys, fabrics, prints and urban legends. Thank you for your interest.
Thanks for the peek, and the link to all the other peeks.
Like he said... thanks for the opportunity to see Where It All Happens. I got a chuckle from the frog on the speaker, which prompts me to ask what music you listen to while working. I'd like to try it myself and see what happens. :-)
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