Mr. Xerxes Cappapopallap of Des Moines, Idaho writes "If this is progress, give me perdido. You've hardly touched your project, and the floor trout are getting cold. " Good one, Mr. Cappapopallap! It's true that I have been occupied with other things, such as analyising a vision of the nature of Maya in that special one-seat theater. It was shown to be like thick mud being stirred with a stick... you know that little howl mud makes when it is vigorously stirred? Well, the mud does the howling and all the little creatures do the living. Simple yet effective!
Is this picture a detail shot of something larger? It seems like there's meant to be more going on here.
Fantastic work as always, either way.
The Frank book was the most expensive book i bought in my entire life, but it was worth every cent. I love your work!
I heard the mud howl until my ears were dry- the dirt was silent.
It is such a thrill to have one of your favourite artists posting several new pictures a week. This must be one of the greatest blogs I've seen. Awesomeness in a jar.
I'm beginning to think its always about a bigger picture
Theres something about your work that strikes a very large and deep chord
very interesting picture.... :) alternate title could be "Menudo". I'm enjoying a hot steamimg bowl right now (breakfast of champions!), then came upon this picture. both seem to share the same theme, that being that they both contain unidentifiable meats.
smashing, as always.
heavy duty weird! I thought I was into strange shit but alas I am outdone. I'll be watching you.
Jimmy,you are like a ray of sunshine.Just as I think the world is unspeakably hideous,and I cant take another moment,you show us something like this and I feel better.
Interesting fossil beasties.
That looks like my friend's apartment in Brooklyn.
Beautiful image and good spirit too!
These are like the things you see when looking at slide specimens in a biology class, only better.
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