This is an incidental character design sheet drawn by Jack Kirby for Ruby-Spears' The Mr. T Show sometime during the 1980s. The script was changed and these dogs were discarded. I was working there too and I saved them from the trash, if you can believe that. How'd you like to have these monsters out for your blood? Gawd!
This is so great! I didn't know it was done for Mr. T. That makes it better somehow.
Those were the days. Lately I've noticed many a fool going unpitied. Sad.
I know. The jibber jabber has gone remarkably unminded, too.
Jack Kirby Torpedo Dogs -- a great band name!
Those are so cool! Good save.
Is it sad that the King of Comic Books was working on such a small potatoes bit 'o fluff or am I junping the gun on an unnecessary pity party?
Irregardless, a cool find, thanks for sharing.
For what it's worth, Jack seemed to enjoy working for R/S. He was venerated and well-paid and was always upbeat and garrulous when he came in to deliver his stacks of pencilled Crescent board pitch art, which were the most amazing things to hold, behold, and ink. He told us dozens of stories, and even played trumpet and electric guitar in our house band.
He seemed interested in us, too. When my son was born the Kirbys gave him a magnificent rattle, which we still have.
Thanks Jim. I always wondered if the end of his career (hopping companies, fighting for his rights as an artist)was a time of disappointment.
I like the way you describe him and damn, you got to jam with the King, you are the real Torpedo Dog!
I love the rigid craziness of these dogs. I am a fan of Kirbys semi-incomprehensible late period ala Galactic Rangers and Silver Star. His stylized machinery got even more funky and arcane looking, and I love the way the negative space fit into the possitive like a jigsaw puzzle.
I wonder what ever happened to all those crescent board designs? I've seen at least one of them--"Bruce the Car" which I believe later became "Turbo Teen".
I'll trade you that piece of paper for a copy of Albert Hurter's "He Drew As He Pleased".
You are a lucky man.
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