I solemnly swear that I was born on a certain day, and that I lived through many other days. I've heard there is another world and I believe it. All my ideas came from a carton. I can hold a stick in my hand and a thought in my head. I can climb a ladder and I can lie on a rug. It's an easy style.
hola muy bueno felicitaciones yo no he podido hacer nada en mi blog todavia esta vacio xD pero e apoco voy a comenzar. soy artista afisionado me dedico a la escultura y aerografia , nos estamos viendo luego.
adrian mi blog es adrian-oz
Jim, you've really said it this time. Bravo!
I love your work! And I have bookmarked this site so I can check it every day!
And I sincerely hope you never read these comments! Because I was reading through some of the ones on your other entries and, dang.
Anyways. Thanks for everything!
For grins I ran Adrian's post through Google Language Tools.
"hello very good congratulations I have not been able to do nothing in my blog still this emptiness xD but and diminish I am going to begin. I am afisionado artist I dedicate myself to the sculpture and aerografia, we are seeing ourselves soon."
I think a suicide bomber blew that up this morning.
holy wow
Do I see Mr. Donald Duck in there somewhere?
The mangrove. Where the men grow and ants herd aphids for thier sweet sweet nectar. Sticks float, they wood.
is that donald duck for real?
gots ta believe in easy styles, i agree
The color similarities of the shapes protruding through the dirt to the building make them feel like a part of it, like really bizarre root growths. Really makes one wonder what the underground part of the building looks like buried in the ground. Very bizarre.
My favorite blog. Fins down!
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