Anyone who knows anything knows that Justin Green is one of the greatest cartoonists our species has produced. R. Crumb, Bill Griffith, art spiegelman and innumerable other acknowledged masters hail him. His seminal autobiographical work
Binky Brown Meets The Holy Virgin Mary is regarded by many, including yours truly, as the greatest single "comic book" ever created.
As luck would have it there is an exhibition
right now of Mr. Green's endlessly discussed but seldom seen original art at Cincinnati's SHAKE IT RECORDS (by all accounts one of the best record stores in America); 4156 Hamilton Ave, Cincinnati OH 45223. In addition to drawings and paintings, signed prints are available! These include the great image above ($32.50 plus shipping) and a swell silkscreened show poster featuring Mr. Green's beloved Perpetual Calendar ($35 + shipping).
So what are you waiting for!? Email Joe Kuth
joe@shakeitrecords.com to get the lowdown on this harmonic convergence of genius and commerce. You'll be
damn glad you did!