Saturday, January 29, 2011
If you didn't know him you can't imagine what he was like; and if you did know him you can't explain him. Either way, the great spirit which temporarily took the form of John Dorman has seen fit to depart this life, presumably for a realm more suited to his capacity. John had an utterly unique personality which manifested itself in the most amazing actions, words and art. One of these days I'll try to capture in words some of the numberless escapades he sprang upon a world that was never prepared for him. For now, just the cold hard fact of the hole he's left in the fabric of reality. I've known a lot of amazing people but he was the most amazing. You really have to hand it to the mother of the universe for creating a guy like that.

Carson Mell sent me this beautiful photograph of Brand Park Art and Music Library in Glendale, which was two blocks from the house I lived in during my teens. In those days spent every available moment swooning around this intensely romantic building in a state of otherworldly fervor. This was the original carriage entrance; the boarding alcove is to the left. If this picture extended about ten feet to the right it would show the semispiral alcove where I used to stand, wedged between the walls and almost comatose with ecstasy. I was chased away from there more than once. People must have thought I was crazy. Thanks for the blast, Carson.